Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Hot News

Well, the Lord is alive and working in Carrie's life . . . she has been asked to take on a manager position at work. It will be permanent, way more $$$, and her grad school discount will return! Thank you, Lord! She is excited, nervous and pleased to be considered. We are very proud of her and the reputation she has built at work.

Thursday is Ashley's orientation at Cal Poly Pomona - go Ash!!!

We had a potluck in my department today. It is kinda weird though. Everyone brings all their food at 8 a.m. and puts it out and then everyone eats whatever they want. People were eating lasagna at 8:10 a.m.! Weird! Then, it all sits out all day and people snack, but I gotta tell you those deviled eggs couldn't have still been good by noon without refrigeration. Guess I feel this way as the daughter of a chemist. I took my lunch and didn't partake of the potluck as I am trying to eat RIGHT!

Has everyone seen enough of the Michael Jackson send off? Those poor kids of his - how irresponsible he was to choose a drug-filled lifestyle that ultimately robbed them of their beloved father. I hope Paris Jackson doesn't become another Paris Hilton in a few years. Say a prayer for those children.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I know you meant it seriously, but the Paris Jackson and the Paris Hilton connection made me laugh out loud. Very clever.