Sunday, July 26, 2009


Why do I think I could write and direct movies better than some? Dan and I saw "The Ugly Truth" yesterday (we just had the best day!) and it was pretty disappointing. Kathryn Higel (sp?) was gorgeous, the concept pretty interesting, but the script stunk. I was thinking, "she left Grey's Anatomy do make movies like THIS?" but Nancy told me that she heard she was still on Grey's. That's a relief. Then, today (after we visited Dan's mom, who's doing great), a sort of western movie about families struggling in towns at the turn of the century, on the Hallmark channel was good, but so poorly acted. Imagine high school students in a play, but a bit better. EVERYONE'S a critic! Maybe I should just sit down and write myself a screen play or something. Dan's out BBQing, Carrie is finishing a paper for her grad class, Ash is with her BF and I am sorting through my sewing projects. I think my applique triangles are done! This is on the project that Sister Sue sent me when I had my blood clot in 2006. Now I just have to put them in the quilt! Then, I can start on my Tisket a Taskit applique squares. I'm ready . . .

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I am so glad you and Dad have been enjoying your (empty) nest of late. Thanks for the warning about the movie. You and I should write one. It will take place in New York and the guy will get the girl in the end. :) Love you.