Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

I have been a mother for 25 years and, boy, has it gone FAST.  I still vividly remember both my babies as I cuddled and loved them.  They were so cute and small and cuddly and they loved me so much.  I loved to rock them and dress them and feed them and revel in their lovely babiness.  This is why I am ready to be a grandmother.  I don't have anyone small to rock and dress.  And, there's no baby reveling. But, let's not forget that I still have the cuddles, the love, the feeding (!), and the cuteness.  It is just with bigger girls.  Their hearts are bigger, their laughs are louder, and (best of all) their love comes in delicious, comforting waves over the miles in emails and calls.

This is when they are the cutest.  See those smiles? I love my girls.