Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So I was killing a bug in my bathroom last night and got tangled up with my slippers and the rug and tripped and fell into the bathtub. I am proud to say that I didn't cry. (Sort of like, if a tree falls in the forrest, will it make a sound?) I told myself that I was going to be OK, checked for broken bones, and made a plan to get myself up and out of the tub without hurting anything further. I am bruised and sore today - especially my neck. I came home and made a lemon jello cake for Growth Group tomorrow night and now I am finishing my homework, then off to bed. Tomorrow will be better. I will be so glad when Dan gets home from Dubai! He is doing fine, but wishing he was home. Travel is fun, but really you just want to come home to your own little bed most of the time.

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