Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Double Ouch!

So the next day I woke up and I was in terrible pain. I was miserable and somehow managed to get myself to work. (Mind over matter and all that rot.) By 9:30 a.m. I was sitting in my office in tears and decided to go home. On the way home I was crying and wondering if I should go to urgent care, but I didn't want to catch anything from the sickies that were no doubt lounging there waiting to see a doc. So, I got home and went through Dan's stash of pain meds and found something, took it, and slept for hours. The next day only my neck was hurting, but I stayed home. I was back to work on Monday, but sitting at the computer does hurt my neck. Hmmm, should I visit a chiropractor or ??? It is tough to be stupid and old.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

You're not stupid! I was in my bathroom last night and wearing my slippers and my foot got caught up on the bathroom rug too! I thought of you.

And, to clarify, you're not old either. :)