Sunday, June 28, 2009

Whew . . .

Well, we did it. We held the garage sale and then took the unsellable to the Goodwill. Done. 55 years of accumulations, memories, joys and trials. Done. The good thing is that my mother in law is still alive. It could have been so much worse. Tears were abundant as the neighbors came by to say goodbye and shop the sale. One old guy thought I was the granddaughter, so that made my day. (No wrinkles on a balloon, remember.) The bad thing was that my sister-in-law's wallet and checkbook were stolen out of one of the bedrooms. Anyway, it is over and now Peggy can live the rest of her life with the things she truly cherished, which were moved with her. Now she's not encumbered with stuff, boxes, old everything and worries about the house. She has a fresh, new place to live with lots of light and people to make her meals, do her laundry and make her bed. She can concentrate on getting better and enjoying life without the worries of getting by on her own with her increasing health concerns. I'm glad she is safe and sound and learning to enjoy her new way of life. When you visit her, please take a roll of dimes - she's learning to love BINGO there!

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