Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother's Day

Today we are driving up to Aunt Connie's for lunch with the Tilton clan. I made lemon bars last night and today will whittle up veggies for a veggie tray. (Note to self: less bars, more veggies!)

The big news from yesterday was that Miss Ashley bought a 2010 Toyota Corolla. The color is called "super white," which I love since it matches her million dollar smile. (We only paid the orthodontist $4,000, but it felt like a million at the time!)

I received a lovely gift for my birthday coming up and Mother's Day - a Kindle! I have had Kindle envy for a long time and now I can actually hold it in my hands. The first book I downloaded (out of the air, just just cell phones work!) was, of course, the Bible ('cuz THAT'S the book for me! smile) and wonder of wonders it was free! The second book I downloaded was Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice" because I am so into that lately and, frankly, have never read it. I have just watched the A&E production about a million times. And, that book was free as well. But, the next books will cost $9.99 each pretty much, so will have to be careful about that. It goes right on my hubby's credit card, so you can imagine the conversation that will take place monthly. Hmmmm, may have to switch the card around on that one. I will have to get one of my techo-kids to help me. Wouldn't Jane Austen be amazed at how her book is being read these days?!?

Anyway, I just want to say how blessed I feel today. I love being a mom and my girls have certainly enriched my life. Big hugs to both of them and I look forward to the years ahead as I enjoy watching them become the women they are meant to be.

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