Sunday, October 19, 2008

Musings on a Sunday evening

Busy, busy weekend - took Ash to Cal Poly Pomona on Friday to see the campus and talk with a counselor. Good news, she just needs two specific classes to be accepted for fall 2009 term. Loved their huge field of pumpkins surrounded by massive sunflowers. Then on Saturday met with Dan's mom and sisters for a meeting about her move to an assisted living home. She is ready and we want to help! Then, church Saturday night, pizza at Shakey's afterwards, then bed. Today was groceries, laundry, cleaning, making dinner, and Nights in Rodanthe. Great movie, take lots of Kleenex, Richard Gere still looking good after all these years. Now, need to get to bed so I can get up for a 5 a.m. teleconference with India. Have a great week.

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