Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Vacation - Let the Fun Begin!

Today I am on vacation until next Monday. I am trying very hard to ignore the fact that I just read my work email and one of my team is home sick today. Now an already short team is shorter by two of us. Sigh. I sort of feel like I should go in and even began an email saying I would be there by noon. But, then I slowly erased it word by word. It's Christmas. I want to be home with my girls making cookies and celebrating my favorite holiday in the year. Plus I need to grocery shop, exchange my red sweater (ha - for a smaller size!), make cookies (hmmm, maybe should keep the larger sweater), and just enjoy being home and relaxing by the fire. Note to self: stop reading work email.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Don't go to work!!! I am home and would have been sad. :) Yay for vacay!