Sunday, August 24, 2008

Something different

I don't know if it was going to Bev's brother's funeral Friday night - who, frankly, sounded like the greatest guy in the world and proves again that only the good die young - or just that I am bored, but we shook things up a bit this weekend. Called D and T - she's having her final round of chemo for breast cancer - and met them for dinner and catch up at the Irvine Spectrum Saturday night. I continue to be impressed with the matter-of-fact way T is handling her cancer. I pray for her daily as I click on the breast cancer web site to help their cause. She's taught me a lot about faith in the face of a potentially fatal disease. I hope I can be just like her if that happens to me. I was so glad she felt up to meeting us for dinner. She'd never been to the Cheesecake Factory, so had to go there! Then, today, C and I went to the movies, then had carne asada and a Margarita. Such strong drinks at that restaurant, A and C had to come pick us up and drive us home. That's a first for me. Don't drink and drive. (I truly only drank half of mine and that was it for me.) A starts school tomorrow, so summer is over for us. QVC is selling Christmas stuff and the seasons flow one into another.

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