Sunday, August 3, 2008

Forever Fondue

Well, just got back from celebrating Dan's birthday with good friend Scott and wife Nancy. The guys have birthdays three days apart and it is always fun to celebrate together. We went to La Jolla to the Melting Pot and had a delicious four-course fondue meal. Well, the salad you don't cook, but everything else gets speared and dipped into pots for cooking. Two types of chocolate for dessert with little goodies to dip into it - YUM. I highly recommend it, but save up because it ain't cheap. Perfect, though, for a celebratory meal. Hmmmm, Dan is in the kitchen cleaning our lettuce for the week; better go help him spin it. Ashley's car broke down over the weekend, so have to juggle cars tomorrow first thing to get hers to TNT and everyone to work on time. Have a great week everyone.