Saturday, September 18, 2010

The Nest is Becoming Empty Again . . .

So, my Ashley is moving back to school again.  My heart isn't as sad as it was years back when my first little bird flew the coop.  But, I am feeling the pangs again.  I distinctly remember telling "little A" as we fondly call her, when she moved home in June that I didn't want to "bond" with her again because I knew she'd be leaving me.  I told her that she was "just a big leaver!" Some mom, huh? But, ya know something? I was right! She is leaving again. She and Chris took up the first load on Thursday and she is packing more stuff and making plans and making sorority boards for Rush for Sigma Kappa and, well, she's been busy. I am just very glad that I have Skype now and can see my kids while we talk.  This is a big help and I am looking forward to seeing her cute little face on the computer screen next week.  I just have to be careful what I am wearing when the "computer" rings.  It is a little tricky when you get calls on "naked Thursdays."


Josh, Chrissie, Matthew & Kaylie said...

ha ha ha ha:)

Carrie said...

"Naked Thursdays": two parts gross, one part hilarious, and one part kinda awesome.
I'll be careful on my own naked Wednesdays. haha.