Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day Weekend

Well, it's the last weekend of the summer - wait, did we ever have summer? Well, yes, I think there were a couple of warm days, ate the requisite watermelons, watched the sun go down over the ocean, we had one beach party, and spent one evening with friends in their backyard by their fire pit.  Hmmm, guess that was summer. I'm not complaining though, believe me. I loved that it wasn't hot, hot, hot as usual.  But, it does make one wonder if come Christmas it will be 90 degrees in the shade.

We have been running errands, went to church last night, BBQd, hit the Macy's sale, found frames for the pictures of Lucy from Oh My Dog photos. I am actually typing this blog on Carrie's new laptop sitting in Dan's room in the recliner with my feet up.  Sweet!

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