Sunday, June 13, 2010

What's New?

So, bet you noticed that my blog has had a  makeover.  Too much?  It's like, WOW!  I've probably been watching too many David Tutera shows - am sort of hooked on that of late.  He is an event planner and apparently has a very large budget because his wedding receptions are amazing. For one he used something like 14,000 roses and all I could think of was that there are people in Haiti who need food.

Ashley is moving home today for the summer.  The empty nest will have a little birdie back in it, but a birdie that has soared with eagles and will not cotton to having helicopter parents again.  Note to self: no helicopter rides.  It will be nice to have her home again!  Our gain is Carrie's loss - no roommate for three months!

Dan's red sofa delivered and he loves it.  With the blue carpet, it is quite red, white, blueish and so very him.  I need to redo the bookcases now as they are quite junky.  The red items on the shelves are really popping with the red couch.   Who knew?!?

We put about 50 more plants into the front hill to fill up the holes from last year's plantings.  It really is pretty.  The gardener (you didn't think WE planted all those plants, did you?) liked it so much that he asked if he could take pictures.  Good sign!  They scraped down the side hill and we are thinking of how we will plant that one now.

Well, someone has to go to the grocery store, so guess I better get moving.  Hmmmmmm, what to make for dinner tonight?!?

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Your new blog design is nice. Love the bird addition, because it is so fitting. Enjoy living with your own little bird for the summer and think of me... alone... reading your blog and wishing I was home too. LOL, just kidding, I will be fine. Can't wait to see the new couch! And, I like our bookcases so crowded, but then again, that is my "design style." haha.