Sunday, November 6, 2011

The trials and tribulations of quilting . . .

OK do you want the good news or the bad news first?  Good news?  (That's what I usually go for as well.)  I completely finished TWO quilts today. 

One is a hydrangea quilt that I began probably six years ago.  Mom and Sue were visiting, we went quilt store visiting, saw this gorgeous quilt hanging up and promptly bought two kits.  One for Mom and one for me.  Sue began teaching me what to do and how to do it.  At one point she was on the floor laying it out and I remember thinking that with my knees that would never work for me, which is ironic as I spent most of yesterday with my knee up and covered with a heating pad.  I was cutting things out, she was arranging, I was sewing.  It was a memorable day.  I think we manged to finish both quilt tops.  She promptly went home to Texas and finished Mom's and I have admired it over the years at Mom's house.  Then I would think, "hmmmm, I have this SAME THING that I love at my house - why don't I stinkin' finish it?!?"  It was something to do with the backing.  I am sort of a purist and usually want one of the fabrics featured on the front of the quilt to be the back as well.  Due to my procrastination, this went undone for a couple of years, then I was frantically trying to order more fabric to match and couldn't get what I needed, etc. etc.  Thus, I had to piece the back and didn't want to and, well, it just sat.

So, this year my New Year's Resolution was to finish my unfinished quilt projects.  I had a goal to finish one per month and felt that was workable.  Well, then I began to buy more fabric and make other patterns (it's all Joyce's fault, she was teaching classes!).  So, finally I decided to suck it up and finish it and today it happened.  It is in the wash as I write this.  I can't wait to see it when it comes out of the dryer all comfy and lovely.

The other one is a "Trip Around the World" from a class that Joyce taught.  I was pulling fabrics for it and not sure what I wanted and it ended up looking like a baby quilt.  A twin-sized baby quilt.  So, it is done and I am mailing it to Marti who has a new granddaughter named Quinn Rain.  Marti only had one son, so she was very overdue to buy pink stuff and I am so happy for her.  So, as I finished it, I pictured Marti curled up with Quinn at her beautiful home in Spokane reading a book to Quinn and her grandson, Robbie.

And, the bad news?  I am making a very detailed Christmas quilt and just realized today that I have used the wrong fabric for the background of the ornaments and presents that I have painstakingly made and they won't match when I assemble the blocks.  Sigh.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Yay for a post! Good job finishing quilts and meeting your new year's resolution.