Sunday, October 10, 2010

Hmmmmm Quiet

I am never alone.  I used to say that I spent my lunch hour in my car, or "a la vehicle" as my co-worker Ashton would say, because that was the only hour of the day that I was alone.  So today I am home alone.  It feels wonderful and strange and comforting all at the same time.  "Bubba" is having breakfast this morning with "Barnacle Butt" and I am leisurely reading the paper and eating peach yogurt with Target blueberry granola.  Did I mention that it was quiet? Then, my phone alarm went off for some reason.  I raced to get it (not sure why that is), literally jumped over Lucy who had taken up her guard position in the hallway, and frantically searched my mind for what I set the alarm for and if I was late for something.  Can't think of a thing, so must be "user error." There's a lot that can be filed under that category these days.  Then, I noticed that I was still logged into the computer because I was reading the Pioneer Woman blog and had gotten up to catch the newspaper from Bubba as he retrieved it and drove off to breakfast.  I love P Dub (as she refers to herself in one of her oh so entertaining entries) and can't wait for her book to come out about how she met Pioneer Man.  So, P Dub inspired me to blog and my yogurt is still on the dining room table.  My mind is a sieve.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

Love this post. :) Love you.