Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March Madness

It is nearly spring - have you heard the birds singing of late? That is always the first sign and I hear them early in the morning as I get ready for my shower. We've had lots of rain, which makes for very green hills, flowering plants and wild flowers. I am not ready to have winter over, but then I never am. I do love the spring with Easter and spring breaks and pretty colors in the shops. I was at Joanne's this evening and really enjoyed seeing all their Easter items. I, wisely, did not buy any of them. I got thread, rotary blades on 40% off (yay), pre-made piping, and a nifty cutting board that you can flip over and use as an ironing board. Now, if I could just find time to sew. Maybe this weekend? Our Growth Group ladies are meeting for lunch on Saturday and I'm helping in the 4th grade on Sunday. But, hopefully, I can get some sewing in, too. Spring is coming . . . March 20!!!

1 comment:

Carrie said...

When I read the "but then I never am" in your post it some how made me think "but then I never complain!" Do you know what that's from? :)
Thanks for posting. I love reading your blog and I love you!