Monday, December 22, 2008

4 a.m. Musings

So, I wake up today for the weekly 4 a.m. teleconference only to find out that they moved it to tomorrow! And, strangely, now I am wide awake. I predict that I'll be doing a total faceplant today around 6 p.m.! Oh, well; perhaps I met my sleep quota for the weekend (finally) and am ready to face the day. Things I could do: make Christmas cookie dough, make Christmas cookies, tidy up the house (company coming on Thursday), start my layered jello salad for Christmas eve dinner, sew or read. And, I never did get to the Sunday paper yesterday! Well, it is a busy season, isn't it? I did get my Christmas shopping done, so feel much better about all that. The mall was crazy, but the prices at Macy's were sale upon sale. That was great! A couple of packages to wrap and some cooking and I'm all set. How about you? Are you ready to experience Christmas at its commercial best? Let's remember that we are celebrating the birth of a King, our Lord and Savior, Almighty God, the everlasting Father and, best of all, the Prince of Peace. God bless us every one.

1 comment:

Carrie said...

I can't believe you posted this at 4:19AM! That is crazy - go to sleep! :) Can't wait to be home (I'll be there tomorrow). Thanks for the reminder that as cliche as it seems, Jesus really is the reason for the season. I am so blessed to have a Mom who understands and lives this truth. Love you.